
I've been a keen karate student for 16 years, Shukokai and Shotokan, but there still seems to be no shortage of things to learn and explore. I'm hoping this blog will allow me to share my experiences and hear other martial artists thoughts.

Archive for November, 2012

Work hard, smile hard :-)

Last night was our club’s annual family night party. It’s a really fun night and a lot of credit goes to Senseis David and Karen for all the work they do to make it happen.

It’s great to spend time together as a club socially and learn a bit more about the personalities of the people you’re training with. You see those who are the life of the party, those who enjoy competing in the games etc. It also made me realise a bit more the role you have in relation to the junior students. They enjoy interacting with the senior students who spend time teaching them each week and it’s important, as well as fun, to engage with them and respond to their conversations and questions.

The night also features various presentations. The main award is to the student chosen by the Dan grades as the person they feel has been the best student over the previous 12 months. It’s really nice to see fellow students efforts recognised particularly in front of the wider audience of students and their family.

It’s nice to have a bit of time to have fun as a club and also reflect that there is plenty of room in Karate for smiles as well as hard work and application.

Coincidentally this video of Hideo Ochi, 8th Dan, I found really seemed to complement this post’s theme. Sensei Ochi just seems to radiate happiness, I would imagine it’s hard not to want to train your hardest when being taught by him. It’s certainly a style I want to emulate when I have a chance to teach a class.

What aspects of Karate make you smile?